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Armstrong Sperry [signature]


Thank you for visiting the Armstrong Sperry Guest Book. If you leave a question, I try to check in regularly and if I see something here which merits a response, I will put one here, so check back! For instance...

If I deem an entry to be inappropriate for my website's audience, I reserve the right to edit or delete it.

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Judy Armstrong, age 57, from CA, in USA, on Monday, September 01, 2003 at 05:46:39 (PDT) writes:

Hello Margo. I just found this. Very nice work. Now I may have to read all your grandfather's books.


Clive Barnes, age 55, in USA, on Friday, August 15, 2003 at 10:32:25 (PDT) writes:

I have just completed some research on children's island adventure books, including Call it Courage. Congratulations on an interesting, well organised and carefully researched site. Your biographical timeline was invaluable in sorting out your grandfather's early career.It is interesting to see how Call it Courage picks up some of the themes in his adult magazine writing.

Silia Ulugia, age 26, in Samoa, on Tuesday, August 05, 2003 at 16:13:18 (PDT) writes:

Interested to read more about the book

Philip, age 12, from KL, in Malaysia, on Sunday, June 29, 2003 at 20:42:42 (PDT) writes:

There must be a site where i can read the story Call it Courage. I'm learning about it and they haven't finished the story.

NOTE from the webweaver: Call It Courage is a copyrighted work which still generates income for my family. It is not in the public domain, and so you should not find it on-line. (If you do, please alert me!) There are inexpensive paperback copies available from most used book dealers, Amazon.com offers copies for a reasonable price, and of course it is available to read for free in most libraries with a children's section.

abby mcbride, age 22, from tx, in USA, on Friday, June 06, 2003 at 17:35:21 (PDT) writes:

i just wanna say i feel for aaliahs family and friends . i will be praying for you!

Martin Willis, age 11, from OH, in USA, on Wednesday, May 28, 2003 at 10:39:50 (PDT) writes:

The book was great Know wonder it won the Newbery medal.

Christopher, age 35, from MN, in USA, on Thursday, May 22, 2003 at 15:49:32 (PDT) writes:

Does anyone know where I can buy a copy of "Storm Canvas" by Armstrong Sperry? I have been looking for one for a few years and can only locate it on tape. All help will be appreciated.
[email address deleted by webweaver]

Niraj Nitheanandan, age 10, from ON, in Canada, on Wednesday, May 14, 2003 at 17:44:21 (PDT) writes:

Dear Armstrong Sperry,

My class is reading "Call it Courage" I think it's great.
I wanted to know what did Mafatu eat on the island?

Niraj Nitheanandan
Deep River,Ontario,Canada
28 Chadwick

m. ritter, age 60, from fl, in USA, on Sunday, April 13, 2003 at 09:23:44 (PDT) writes:

i would like to buy a copy of Little Eagle, even a photocopy would do.
my email is [email withheld]*.
thanks you. thanks 4 this site.

* FROM THE WEBWEAVER: This guestbook does not include any personal email addresses, to keep it a kid-friendly site. I have responded to this post personally, but the general advice I give to people who are looking for copies of any out-of-print book is to start with http://www.bookfinder.com, http://www.alibris.com, or just plain old http://www.ebay.com.

Margo Burns, age 45, from NH, in USA, on Saturday, April 12, 2003 at 09:41:33 (PDT) writes:

Unfortunately, recent attempts to spam this guestbook with German advertising have caused me to block repeat-offenders from posting here and to delete many other submissions.

Steve Luna, age 48, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, April 09, 2003 at 22:11:45 (PDT) writes:

About 40 years ago, I picked up a copy of Call it Courage and found myself wisked away on an adventure of a lifetime. I can remember the thrill and suspense of each page as though I still held that book in my hands today.
Just yesterday I shared some of the story with my 10 year old grandaughter and then promised her I would find the book and we would begin to read it together. I'll be picking up a copy tomorrow and starting off once again, on that journey I took so many years ago. I can hardly wait!!

Mandy , age 9, in Canada, on Tuesday, April 08, 2003 at 19:10:48 (PDT) writes:

I read Call it corage for a class novel it was a GREAT novel

Mic, on Wednesday, April 02, 2003 at 11:03:57 (PST) writes:

Hey I really like your site. I have found some of the information here helpfull. Thanks :) Mic

Travel Escapes, age 34, from ca, in USA, on Sunday, March 30, 2003 at 14:41:31 (PST) writes:

Great site!!

Ronnie Phillips, age 12, from IN, in USA, on Friday, March 21, 2003 at 11:39:37 (PST) writes:

I like this book

Jana, age 9, from BC, in canada, on Saturday, March 08, 2003 at 15:20:36 (PST) writes:

I think Call it Courage is a cooollll book!

mercedes russell, age 10, in canada, on Thursday, February 27, 2003 at 10:22:47 (PST) writes:

call itcourage was relly interresting

zac, age 10, from ca, in USA, on Wednesday, February 26, 2003 at 20:25:16 (PST) writes:

Hikueru is a real island but is Mafatu?

Ms. Hedrick, from CA, in USA, on Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 20:36:37 (PST) writes:

Thank you for the prompt response. The CALL IT COURAGE edition that has Mafatu battling a tiger shark has a 1963 copyright from Scholastic Books, with illustrations by Dom Lupo. There were a few other very minor differences between editions (a word here and there), but my students are most curious about how the change in sharks came about. I can imagine Sperry making a change so that it would correspond with his illustration, but Scholastic didn't use the author's illustrations. (By the way, my son wanted me to mention that they appreared to use a blacktip shark in Disney's version -- I guess kids really know their sharks!)

Posy Grewal, age 10, in Canada, on Thursday, February 20, 2003 at 14:43:54 (PST) writes:

Hey I really really like ure book "Call it Courage!" its soo good. Well gotta go, byeeee

-Posy :)

Ms. Hedrick, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, February 18, 2003 at 16:59:19 (PST) writes:

Thank you for an excellent and informative website. My sixth graders just completed "Call It Courage." We all loved it. We are hoping you can answer a question for us. About half the class read the 50th Anniversay edition of your grandfather's book; the other half read another edition. Why did one edition have Mafatu battling a tiger shark, and the other a hammerhead? Which shark was used in your grandfather's original version?

NOTE from the Webweaver: Thank you for an interesting question! I was not aware that there was an edition which changed the variety of shark in the text, but I was well aware that the shark in the illustration is certainly not a hammerhead, as the original edition of the book claims Mafatu fought. I would appreciate learning which edition has it changed to a tiger shark!

melanie, age 11, from tx, in USA, on Monday, February 17, 2003 at 18:42:34 (PST) writes:

hey im doing a project on your book its great but we have so much work on it cuz its so good :)

E. Bartels, age 67, from On, in Canada, on Sunday, February 09, 2003 at 18:04:52 (PST) writes:

I was fortunate to acquire a hardcover copy of the 1961 edition of DANGER TO WINDWARD (the Ninth Printing) by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. It was declared DISCARD from a local school library. It was indeed a pleasure to join young Hugh Dewar on his adventure and quest to claim the estate to which is the rightful heir (not unlike David Balfour in Robert Louis Stevenson's KIDNAPPED). As I enjoyed the book, I was reminded of the wonderful imagery and rich vocabulary of children's literature of years past and the contrast to the current vogue of 'dumbing down" books for young people. Long live the spirit of Armstrong Sperry for adventure-minded readers everywhere.

Samantha Williams, age none, from none, in USA, on Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 16:13:46 (PST) writes:

Great Design and useful information. I will be back soon! Samantha Williams

gracia , age 11, from ca, in USA, on Friday, January 31, 2003 at 09:53:10 (PST) writes:

ther good books

Shelley Morris, age 33, from Tx, in USA, on Monday, January 27, 2003 at 19:24:39 (PST) writes:

I read this book when I was 10 years old. It made such an impact on me. And besides Dr. Suess books, this is the only book from my childhood that I can remember reading. I just had the pleasure of reading it again with my 9 year old daughter. She needed a really good book to do a book report/art project about and this book came to mind. I am happy to say she loves it as much as I still do. Now I plan on sharing this book with my other 6 kids.

Ben Howard, age 12, from OK, in USA, on Sunday, January 26, 2003 at 21:08:12 (PST) writes:

Call it Courage was a great book! I've enjoyed learning about you too.

K.L.M.(double g), age 11, from On, in Canada, on Friday, January 24, 2003 at 14:36:14 (PST) writes:

i really loved the book Call it Courage . it is awsome. now i have to do a project on it. bummer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ricardo Tremont, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Friday, January 24, 2003 at 09:50:27 (PST) writes:

I really like your grandfather's book "Call it Courage". It has been a wounderful book. Its adventures!!!!!

Yasemin, Tremont School, age 11, on Wednesday, January 22, 2003 at 12:53:01 (PST) writes:

Hello there, Call it Courage is a great book, but I'm just wondering, how did Armstrong Sperry create the illustrations for the book?

Craig Tremont, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, January 21, 2003 at 10:47:00 (PST) writes:

I really enjoy your book, Call it Courage.

Yuliana tremont school, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:09:12 (EST) writes:

I like the book name Call It Courang is a vary,very good book.
-Yuliana Gamino

Ignacio, age 11, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:09:05 (EST) writes:

Call it courage is a good book

Nick Tremont School, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:09:03 (EST) writes:

I want your autograph. You rule!

Katie Ehman Tremont School, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:08:47 (EST) writes:

I really like Call it Courage.It has a lot of high vocabulary.

Ruben, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:08:37 (EST) writes:

Hi I'm Readig 'Call It Coured'. What's up./I like your book.

Erick Tremont school, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:08:07 (EST) writes:

Dear Armstrong Sperry
I whanted to now what inspired you to write so much books.
also why did you somsany.

Katie Ehman Tremont School, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:07:53 (EST) writes:

I really like Call it Courage.It has a lot of high vocabulary.

Nicolas Tremont school, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:07:01 (EST) writes:

Call It courage is cool but it needs to be longer.

Ali Tremont School, age 12, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:06:36 (EST) writes:

Hi. Call it Courage is pretty good. What incouraged Armstrong to write it? Is Hikeru a real place?

NOTE from the Webweaver: Yes, Hikueru is a real place. It is one of the many low island atolls in the Tuamotu Archipelago, to the Northeast of Tahiti.

Tremont School Mike, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:05:18 (EST) writes:

The kids in my class did not like the book as much as i did.I think u are an awesome writer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eva Flores, age 12, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:04:48 (EST) writes:

Dear Armsrong Sperry,
I just wanted to tell you that your book is really good. I am readig "Call it Courage".

Eva Flores, age 12, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:03:58 (EST) writes:

Dear Armsrong Sperry,
I just wanted to tell you that your book is really good. I am readig "Call it Courage".

papa smurphy, Tremont School, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:03:09 (EST) writes:

hey there I really like your book,"Call It Courage."

Matthew Tremont, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:03:06 (EST) writes:

So far Call It Courage is a good book.

Stephani, Tremont School, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:02:48 (EST) writes:

Right now we (as in my 6th grade class) are reading "Call it Courge" and it is i guess interesting.

_ I'm not lazy like my friend Sadie. :)

sadie (tremont school), from ca, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:02:21 (EST) writes:

my 6th grade class is reading your book, "call it courage" we all love it. :)

- i know i'm not using capitals when i'm suppose to, don't worry I'm not stupid, i'm just lazy.

Star, age 11, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 16:01:44 (EST) writes:

I am doing a report on Armstrong Sperry, and I wrote that he was an assistant enthologist during the 1920s. That's what it says on this site, but my teacher insists that it's incorrect. Is it?

NOTE from the Webweaver: You are correct, but it is a little unusual how he got the job, so I understand your teacher's skepticism. He was not trained as an ethnologist, but as an artist, but as you may find out as you go through your life, we don't all end up doing work for which we are officially trained. Connections help. And not all skills that are helpful to the task of one profession are learned in study of the field. The head ethnologist on the trip around the South Pacific was the ultimately very famous Polynesian ethnologist Kenneth Emory of the Bishop Museum in Honolulu. This was Emory's second major expedition, and he could bring an assistant along. Even though it would have been quite a plum for any young aspiring ethnologist to get picked, he decided instead to ask my grandfather to take the job for a couple of reasons: 1) my grandfather was an affable person who could get along with both the rather cantankerous group of scientists on the ship as well as with the Polynesians they met on the islands they visited and 2) my grandfather already spoke Tahitian from the time he had spent on some of the islands the ship would be visiting. Thanks for asking!

Bo Bo, age 2, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:59:45 (EST) writes:

My mom is fat

Cristian tremont school, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:59:43 (EST) writes:

Ths site helped me to findout facts about armstrong sperry. this place is prety cool

Dominic Tremont school, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:59:12 (EST) writes:

I like the book Call It Courage becuase it is adventurous.

Jake Tremont, age 900, from ?, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:59:00 (EST) writes:

I am really enjoying Call It Courage, it is a great book. I saw the movie a long time ago, that was also good. Yhe class is about half-way done.

Kacie Tremont School, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:58:52 (EST) writes:

Armstrong Sperry was a great writer. Call It Courage is a really great book! Our teacher is letting the class read it out loud.

Korey , in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:58:33 (EST) writes:

tremont school

yo mamma, age -99, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 15:58:12 (EST) writes:

Whats up g dog

wazzup, age 11, from wi, in USA, on Wednesday, January 15, 2003 at 12:45:33 (EST) writes:

callitcourage is kay

Marita , age 40, from MD, in USA, on Monday, January 13, 2003 at 09:02:24 (EST) writes:

I am a teacher and curriculum developer for a school system outside of Washington DC. I am currently developing lessons for Call it Courage to be used with the William and Mary Reading Language Arts Curriculum. Your site is terrific and I will be incorporating it into the unit for students to use when reading and analyzing Call it Courage.

Emily Church(From Mr.Moore's G.T. Class), age 11, from IN, in USA, on Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 21:41:39 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage is a really good book! My class hasn't read all of the book yet but so far I really like it, and I think my classmates like it too! We are even doing a project about the book!

justin , age 12, from pa, in USA, on Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 21:21:54 (EST) writes:

this book was great i never read a book better i read a chapter a day

Marcie Richie, from MN, in USA, on Sunday, January 12, 2003 at 11:20:00 (EST) writes:

What a great site! So much good information for everyone. My husband is a used book dealer. He tells me the Tarzan book Armstrong Sperry illustrated is especially prized by collectors because it is one of the few not illustrated by Burroughs or his son. I remeber Sperry books from my childhood in the fifties. Seeing the illustrations again, I am struck by how fine they are and the drama conveyed by them.

Sarah , from NC, in USA, on Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 22:36:07 (EST) writes:

This site helped me very much with a project I had to do after reading Call It Courage. Thanks very much for all the information!

Dude, age 364, from MO, in Lala Land, on Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 20:38:24 (EST) writes:

I like cows

Laine, age 10, from NC, in USA, on Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 17:08:42 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage was a really good book and I enjoyed it. In some parts while I was reading it I was at the edge of my seat in. Armstrong Sperry is a superb writer!

S. Farlow, in USA, on Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 16:20:01 (EST) writes:

I am teaching this book to my Language Arts class and am creating a powerpoint to familiarize the students with Mr. Sperry.

Sk8ater, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 11:02:56 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage was an awesome book. It was exciting and ful of adventure all at the same time! i would recomend this book to anyone!!!!
This sight is a good tool for learnind and exploring. Everyone should know about this sight. Again I shall say that Call it Courage was an awsome book. I understood everything but one part. My question to you is did Mafatu die or faint at the end of the book? I'm dying to know, please inform me!!!! Thanks a bunch!

Chelsea G, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:56:48 (EST) writes:

Hey! I loved the book call ir courage. I have to admit though, at first i thought i was going to be a boring,lame book about a boy in the wilderness. Well i was sooooo wrong. The book was exciting and fun. It made me think of what my fear are and how I can conquer them. It also made me think about what i want to acomplish in my life. Overall the book was aweosme and i cant wait to read more of Amstrong Sperry's books. See ya lata!!

*Shauna*, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:55:10 (EST) writes:

Hey! Call It Courage was an awesome book. It was so exciting! At first i thought it was going to be another boring survival story, but I was totally wrong. It was a really fun book to read!!

Chelsea G, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:54:25 (EST) writes:

Hey! I loved the book call ir courage. I have to admit though, at first i thought i was going to be a boring,lame book about a boy in the wilderness. Well i was sooooo wrong. The book was exciting and fun. It made me think of what my fear are and how I can conquer them. It also made me think about what i want to acomplish in my life. Overall the book was aweosme and i cant wait to read more of Amstrong Sperry's books. See ya lata!!

Matt Carr, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:53:59 (EST) writes:

"Call It Courage" was a great book. I like the action.


Connie B, age 11, from Nj, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:53:37 (EST) writes:

"Call It Courage" was an awsome book. It taught me to face my fears. I love the way Mr. S wrote the book. You never knew what was going to happen next.

Amanda Wolf, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:52:04 (EST) writes:

Hey! My teacher, Mr.Tucker picked out Call it Courage for us to read.I loved Call it Courage! It was a really great book. Margo~ This was a great idea to put up this site!!!
~*aMaNdA wOlF*

Matt Carr, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:51:43 (EST) writes:

"Call It Courage" was a great book. This boy encounters many things and there is action in this book. I like a book with action.


Amanda Wolf, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:50:49 (EST) writes:

Hey! My teacher, Mr.Tucker picked out Call it Courage for us to read.I loved Call it Courage! It was a really great book. Margo~ This was a great idea to but up this site!!!
~*aMaNdA wOlF*

Taylor W., age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:50:41 (EST) writes:

"Call It Courage" is an awesome book! I like how Mafatu finds his courage. It is good that he faced his fears. It has a great ending!

Renee M. Roberts, from MA, in USA, on Saturday, November 23, 2002 at 15:11:55 (EST) writes:

Hi, I checked this site because I wanted information on a rare book I just purchased (signed copy of Call It Courage). This is a terrific website! Congratulations!

joey, age 12, from az, in USA, on Wednesday, November 20, 2002 at 20:55:04 (EST) writes:

hi i need to know the summery for call it courage

omar, age 21, from nc, in USA, on Tuesday, November 19, 2002 at 20:35:03 (EST) writes:

i loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eliza, age 12, from NY, in USA, on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 17:01:41 (EST) writes:

This is an awesome website! It's so cool to learn more about Armstrong Sperry. I love the book Call It Courage. I visit this website like all the time. Well bye for now! : )

Katie R., age 13, from NH, in USA, on Wednesday, November 13, 2002 at 19:19:21 (EST) writes:

Hi Margo! This is a really cool website. It was great to see all the beautiful illustrations and learn more about your grandfather. You were right about the trashy romance stories and pictures- there was more than one that had kissing scenes on the cover! :-D Anyway, see you Saturday- if you find this note before then!

Philip, age 10, from PA, in USA, on Monday, November 11, 2002 at 17:40:29 (EST) writes:

I really like Call it Courage. It's a great book!

Lowrie Barnett, age 77, from NC, in USA, on Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 17:07:32 (EST) writes:

Mrs. Mull's fifth graders, of whom my grandson, Johnathan, is one! are enjoying listening to me read "Call It Courage." They are learning a great deal about Polynesia (and so am I!) Thank you so much for the website and photographs of Armstrong Sperry. We are all richer for this experience. Lowrie Barnett, retired librarian

Dr. George K. Wittenberg, age 54, from AZ, in USA, on Tuesday, November 05, 2002 at 02:01:51 (EST) writes:

I have yet to read any books by Mr. Sperry but I have an oil painting he did, a family heirloom that I treasure. Mr. Sperry's spirit spoke to me in the words of all the children who have written in to comment on the books they have read; I regret they were not part of my childhood, as well. His family must be very, very proud of his creations; stories with deep meaning for many generations of children are a rare and valuable gift to the world.

Henry H. Rodkin, age 67, from IL, in USA, on Tuesday, October 29, 2002 at 11:00:07 (EST) writes:

As a child, I couldn't wait until our grammar school library received a new Armstrong Sperry book. Those stories were a delight that captivated my imagination. As an adult, the aura of those books stayed with me, giving me additional pleasure as I traveled through the areas covered by these wonderful stories. I will now hopefully buy any I can for my grandchildren. Thank you for your wonderful website.

Abaker Baker, age 12, from IA, in USA, on Wednesday, October 23, 2002 at 12:03:50 (EDT) writes:

I realy like your website but it needs to have pictures of the island Hikueru. Thank you for leting me use your websie site.

Lukasz Bielecki, age 12, from MB, in Canada, on Tuesday, October 15, 2002 at 19:49:51 (EDT) writes:

I love Armstrong Sperry's books.But my library only has 2 of them (with i read).So far i read Call it courage and The Rain Forest.I really want to know what happened to Mafatu at the end!it leaves you hanging in.I am so sorry Armstrong died.

Carrie Elliott, age 31, from Wa, in USA, on Monday, October 14, 2002 at 14:21:58 (EDT) writes:

I teach a sixth grade Language Arts class and have used the book Call it Courage for several years. It has been one of my favorites as well as the students. This book has inspired us to hold a Polynesian feast to celebrate the end of the story. We also have found the internet a useful tool for finding out personal information regarding Mr. Sperry. Thanks!

Sixth grade class
Cathlamet, WA

Stocker, age 11, from PA, in USA, on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 17:34:56 (EDT) writes:

Hi Mista P! This is Me! So now do you believe me? Oh yeah, firebreathing penguins aren't from Africa!

Riri Vernell Bercalon, age 19, from AL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 02, 2002 at 17:27:08 (EDT) writes:

HeY....Ya'll! I'm just minding my own business when I get this phone call....ok? And this person goes "Yo, go to Armstrong Sperry's Home Page!" and hangs up. So I do, and it's real cool and all..then I see that I can put my name on the internet! Sweetness! So, I do and Tom Cruise says Riri is awesome cause I call him and then I get so preppy! Like totally...um...sure..whatever!!!...!!!

Aaliah Mariah, age 11, from PA, in USA, on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 16:57:39 (EDT) writes:

Right now in Language Arts, we are reading Call it Courage and I thought this website was really interesting. My class found info about Armstrong and created posters about him. This website helped a bunch!!!!!!!!!

Boo, age 21, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, October 01, 2002 at 16:54:02 (EDT) writes:

It's interesting. For school, I am researching Armstrong Sperry's biography and comparing it to an influencing family member. I enjoyed reading about him.

L. Everitt, age 43, from MD, in USA, on Monday, September 30, 2002 at 03:19:07 (EDT) writes:

It's amazing how an excellent story can stay with you over decades! My fourth grade teacher read "Call it Courage" outloud, a chapter a day, to me and my class. I was riveted by the story, especially the part where, from a boar he killed, the boy makes a boar's tooth necklace to symbolize his courage. There were many vivid, emotional, gripping scenes, such as the part were he is frozen in fear when he visits the taboo site of the cannibals.

I bought a copy as a grown-up for my kids to enjoy (they are 9 and 12 yrs-old this year). Now, I am back in college to become a secondary education English teacher and I'm preparing a reading list, and, of course, this story is on the list.

Thanks for some excellent reviews, which I will share with my classmates; I hope they, too, will consider reading, then sharing, this book -- with many more children.

Elizabeth Sperry, age 15, from PA, in USA, on Saturday, September 21, 2002 at 08:55:17 (EDT) writes:

Hey! I was just surfing and I found this site, it's pretty cool, I guess there are lots of Sperrys out there! I hope to read some of Armstrong's work in the future!

Virginia Stevens, age 94, from ma, in USA, on Monday, August 26, 2002 at 21:41:11 (EDT) writes:

my daughter married John Sperry. I'm impressed with all the information on Armstrong Sperry and his father on the internet. I'm looking at this with Mary Beth Morris, my daughter-in-law, who is also impressed.

Tiffany Overton, age 14, from mi, in USA, on Friday, August 23, 2002 at 16:51:23 (EDT) writes:

What was Mafatu's goal in life

The Boy Who Was AfraidOrange, age 14, in S'pore, on Monday, August 19, 2002 at 10:16:28 (EDT) writes:

HeY....... wy can't i find the "boy who was afraid"? but i can say that it was a great book and i would recommend to teenagers of my age........ thanks for the books! it helps us to know more about hawaii and its cultures

NOTE from the webweaver: Call It Courage was published under the title The Boy Who Was Afraid in Britain, and copies can be purchased through http://www.amazon.co.uk (See cover on right)

Cyn R. Keith, age 44, from VT, in USA, on Monday, August 12, 2002 at 21:30:21 (EDT) writes:

Hi, Margo! Great website, my friend -- and after looking at it and reading all the wonderfully enthusiastic comments about C.I.C. I'm eager to read the book myself..... :) Love, Cyn PS: Startling to see the picture of your grandfather and how much you resemble him!

monas junior, age 23, from na, in Indonesia, on Sunday, July 21, 2002 at 04:27:00 (EDT) writes:

Armstrong Sperry, thanks for writing about Jambi.

MacCloud, age 12, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, July 17, 2002 at 11:27:19 (EDT) writes:

This is a cool site! I think that Armstrong Sperry was a good writter and Illustrater! I think that if I read any of his books I would be intrested imeadiatly!!! I got this site from Jason.org since I'm a member there and all! I can't believe that one boring hyperlink can send me too one awesome site!!!

27 IDX 106 - Odinn, in ICELAND, on Saturday, May 11, 2002 at 06:13:20 (EDT) writes:

Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors.

And people You Are also --> WELCOME

Good informations and much more, have BIG fun.

Maria Ryksen, age 12, from On, in Canada, on Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 19:14:35 (EDT) writes:

The book,Call it Courage was an AWESOME book!!!

Woody, age 11, from Sk, in canada, on Sunday, May 05, 2002 at 20:45:09 (EDT) writes:

I liked the book Call It Courage but it would have been better if you put some info on Armstrong Sperry!!

Theresa Rowe, age 12, from FL, in USA, on Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 19:19:04 (EDT) writes:

Great books. I like "Call It Courage" the best. Very descriptive and makes you feel like you are attually there.

E. B., age 66, from On, in Canada, on Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 17:46:59 (EST) writes:

What a wonderful discovery! Lost Lagoon was one of my favourite novels when I was in Grade l0. I would dearly love to reread it again but am unable to find a copy. I recall being very enchanted by the descriptive writing and the very well-rendered drawings. My compliments on this web site, and a salute to a terrific writer of young-adult fiction.

Note from the Webweaver: Many of AWS's out-of-print books can be located at reasonable prices on-line, at sites such as Bookfinder.com,ABE Books, A Libris, and eBay, among others.

Marsha Bohannon, age 53, from GA, in USA, on Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 16:20:08 (EST) writes:

Thanks for a wonderful site that I'm sure my students will enjoy using.

Laura Hayes, age 21, from WI, in USA, on Monday, March 04, 2002 at 19:44:02 (EST) writes:

I am writing a literature based unit for Call it Courage. I foubd this site to be extremely useful for the classroom

Steven M. Krause, age 50, from IN, in USA, on Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 20:26:00 (EST) writes:

I had to come back and spend more time looking at the illustrations on the dustjackets. The colors are wonderfully vibrqnt--the kind of art that pulls you over and makes you open the book to see if the text is as good as the cover art. I've enjoyed the visit!

Steven M. Krause, age 50, from IN, in USA, on Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 16:01:22 (EST) writes:

I came upon this website while searching for info about Howard Pease, the author of the Tod Moran series which I read as a pre-teen in the 1960's. My search led me to this site. What a wonderful discovery! I will definately return to this site. Mr. Sperry is a great illustrator and I look forward to reading some of his books. I am sure his illustrations added to the romance I've had for sea travel. I spent 4 years in the U. S. Coast Guard (1970-1974). I wish I'd had a grandfather who was both a writer and an artist. I've enjoyed this visit very much. S. Krause, Goshen, IN. Feb. 14, 2002.

Chris, age 15, from AU, in Austria, on Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 13:39:42 (EST) writes:

please help me,i search a combination about the book ``The Boy who was afraid``

[Note from the Webweaver: Call It Courage was published in England under the title The Boy Who Was Afraid. ]

Daniel McNamee, age 12, from nJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:25:40 (EST) writes:

It is a great book which is an auspicious story in my mind. Many books I've read are good but this one is Great!! The story is exciting and has non-stop action. The ending is great and it proves that even the most scared wimps can be brave. I have many fears of things like bridges and other fears and maybe someday i will overcome them. I think that this site is great and i wanted to know if Mafatu died in the end of the book?

Scott , age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:24:21 (EST) writes:

I really liked the book, but I think that Mafatu got a little rediculus when he sailed to another island. I would have just gone out fishing with all the other people to conquer my fear if I was afraid of the sea.

Michael Sshiraldi, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:19:34 (EST) writes:

I loved the book call it courge! It was my favorite book ever. The book was so adventureful I hope you wright take the job of your grandfather and wright a book of your own. Your grandfather inspired me to wright a book of my own.

Ulesess B. Grant credit card#7342904, age 35, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:16:47 (EST) writes:

the book was great

Camille Sacca, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:16:38 (EST) writes:

I really liked the book Call it Courage. It was exciting and adventurious. I love how he faces his fears when Mafatu what in to the water and went to the island. Mafatu was very brave to face the shark for his dog Uri. That his very nice of him. I am glad that his father was happy what Mafatu was back.

Kirsten D., age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:16:26 (EST) writes:

"Call it Courage" was a great book! At first I didn't want to read it because it looked to shory but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover,because it was excellent. It was so touching and I even cried when his mother died. It made me face my fears. Mafatu was so brave and maybe boys should know how to make tools and do women work. Because it helped Mafatu in the wilderness. He was so dreamy and i really liked the illistrations. Thank-you for my comments.

Jennifert, age 13, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:16:23 (EST) writes:

hi i like the book 2

Claire C., age 11, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:15:56 (EST) writes:

I think that "Call it Courage" was a great book! at first i didn't really want to read it because I don't really like short books, because they usally don't have a great story line but it was really interesting!

Claire C., age 11, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:15:43 (EST) writes:

I think that "Call it Courage" was a great book! at first i didn't really want to read it because I don't really like short books, because they usally don't have a great story line but it was really interesting!

Cody mcnaughton, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:15:14 (EST) writes:

It was a nice book. I like Mafatu Uri and eveybody else in the book. I hope they come out with another book simalar to this one. I wan't know if there is such thing as canables.

Kyle basehore, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:15:10 (EST) writes:

Hi, I really liked the Call It Courage But I think you should should make a sequal thanks ohhh i really liked the book

Shanon, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:14:51 (EST) writes:

I loved the book .It was good.

Rachel B., age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:14:45 (EST) writes:

" Call it Courage" was an awesome book. It taught me a valueable lesson in life. That you have overcome your fears and be brave like Mafutu. I

Jon Goehring, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:14:39 (EST) writes:

I thought the book was great! I really thought that Call it Courage was a feel good book Mafatu never gave up. He faced his fears against the sea head to head with Moana the sea god. I have a question about the book, how come in some of the pictures, when the shark was going to attack Uri it said the shark was a hammer head but it looked like a tiger shark, and when the hurricane came it said he lost his paddle and sail, but in the picture after the storm he had his sail back up and had his paddle. If you read this and answer my questions please e-mail me at j0n0687@aol.com and the o's are zeros. I am curious about this, please write back. I still think your book is great.

Bruce, age 12, from Nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:13:32 (EST) writes:

I think that Call It Courage was a great educational and survival book! It taught me many ways of surviving lots of things. During the book I wondered how Mafatu did not get blind when the feke (octopus) spit out its poisonous venom.From this book I feel that courage is a great thing to have because if you don't have courage then you will never get rid of your fears that you have in your life. Also I think that all the books that Armstrong Sperry has written are amazing and that he should keep writing more novels.

Corey Knapp, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:11:54 (EST) writes:

I love the book Call It Courage, it is a wonderful story of a boy who conquered his fears and shows his family and friends that he can do it. I wish I could conquer my fear of the ocean some day.

Denise , age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:10:49 (EST) writes:

I think Call it courage was adventuerous and exciting it showed a lot of ways to surive when you were ship wreaked.I liked how Mafatuwas scared at first and then faced his fears head on!

Josh Bruno, age 11, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:10:40 (EST) writes:

I think it was very good how he could over come his fears.

Kristy Kloss, age 13, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:09:50 (EST) writes:

I think that Call It Courage was a really exciting book. If I was Mafatu I wouldn't have left on my own he was very brave. Every chapter I read it got more interesting and adventurious. I really enjoyed the book .

Jennifer, age 13, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:09:11 (EST) writes:

Helow i am jen and i like the book

Bryan Tarpy, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:08:45 (EST) writes:

This was a very good book. It tought me I can face my deepst fears. I think the book was so great I could not put it down. The listation of the book was not alwas accuret, but the story line was great. I was hopping there would be a secwal.

Mike , age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:08:06 (EST) writes:

The book "Call it Courage" was a great book I hope to read another book by Armstrong Sperry.

Trent Waddle, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 13:05:08 (EST) writes:

I reaaly thought that your granfathers book was really neat and it taught me how to make an outrigger, spears, knives, and anybody can face their deepest darkest fearsa

Victoria , age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:24:03 (EST) writes:

Armstrong Sperry's books are amazing! I read "Call It Courage" in my english class(which must say is the BEST CLASS EVER!) And I totally loved it! I just wanted to know from your point of view, what you would write at the end of the book, after Mafatu faints? It left me wondering how Mafatu's life at Heriku was like, and if Tivani Nui and all the other people reacted to Mafatu's homecomming. I hope to write more in the future to you. Your grandfather was an amazing writer and will always be remebered. My teacher, Mr. Tucker wrote to you 3 years ago and is still encouraging his students to read your grandfathers great books. Thank you very much and Happy Holidays!!


amhodep, age 999, from gy, in ugopatamia, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:21:22 (EST) writes:

i read the book . it was good but some bits where odd..

Nicole Portner, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:20:21 (EST) writes:

I have just finished the book Call It Courage. IT was great! Mafatu was brave to face his fear and then overcome it! I admire his guts. In the near future I hope to read more of your grandfathers book. Maybe you could suggest some more of his books to me? I will understand if you do not have the time to respond.

Erik, age 11, from oo, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:18:29 (EST) writes:

All of your books are very good in my opinion. I really think they inspire kids. We just finished Call it Courage in my English class, but I had already read the book like ten times so it wasn't as good as the first 9 times.

Lisa Carr, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:18:14 (EST) writes:

Hi! I am in 6th grade and my teacher, Mr. Tucker, picked the book Call it Courage to read. It very good! GoOdByE!

Sean, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:15:13 (EST) writes:

It's a great book. It's better than all the other survival stories we are reading so far. Your dad is a great author.

Nicole Renna, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:15:09 (EST) writes:

I really enjoyed Call it Courage. I really learned a lot from this book. I can't wait to read more of Armstrong Sperry's books.

lee, age 12, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:14:01 (EST) writes:

Hi, i read Call it Courage, it was good. Did Mafatu die at the end or did he just faint? My teacher said that it was this favorite novel we read this year. I liked your father's book very much. I liked when Mafatu killed the shark and the feke. It should have a second book to tell if Mafatu dies or not.

ERik, age 19, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:12:30 (EST) writes:

good book goood fight good night

Ashley Tyburski, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:12:26 (EST) writes:

I really like the ideas and storys of Armstrong Sperry. The books are very interesting, and have great endings. How everything turned out ok.

JOSEPH JOYCE, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:12:07 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage is good book it was intresting to read about mafatu and his explorations on the island of the eaters-of-men i was happy that he managed to escape the eaters-of-men it was kool when he killed he shark and the feke and the boar thing with the horns i as glad that MR Tucker my teacher had us read this book. it was a good book. my favorite part was when he is going crazy in the boat and starts yelling at the moana the sea god i really enjoyed this book

Melissa, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:11:58 (EST) writes:

I love Armstrong Sperry's books! They are so great.. I've read a couple, and one such as "Call it Courage" which actually made me want to fight my fear.

Ching-Lee, age 756, from JA, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:11:27 (EST) writes:

I live in a shoe and i like to say moo, moooooo, moooooo

Michael, age 38, from CH, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:10:28 (EST) writes:

I'm taller than you!

jose jogtre, age 26, from ca, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:09:29 (EST) writes:

It is a good book writen by an old fossil.

Armstrong Sperry, age 18, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:09:24 (EST) writes:

Hi everyone

Lisa Carr, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:09:01 (EST) writes:

Hi! I am in 6th grade and my teacher, Mr. Tucker, picked the book Call it Courage to read. It very good! GoOdByE!

Daniel Swope, age 12, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:06:41 (EST) writes:

I thought the book Call of Coufage was interesting. It showed great skills of survival.

Bob, age 23, from NY, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:06:27 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage is a good book. I hope you will acknowledge this and keep writing like that u suck

Nicole Portner, age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:06:24 (EST) writes:

I have just finished the book Call It Courage. IT was great!

Aflax55, age 19, from nj, in USA, on Thursday, December 20, 2001 at 09:06:07 (EST) writes:

Call It Courage was pretty good

Me, age ?, from ?, in ?, on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 21:02:08 (EST) writes:

I have to do a book report on Sperry's book "Call It Courage" and I just finished the book during lunch today. The last two sentances read {Mafatu swayed were he stood. "My father, I..." Tavana Nui caught his son were he fell.} and I need to know, Did he die at the end?

NOTE from the Webweaver: Believe it or not, this was the very question I had when I first read the book at the age of ten, only I was able to go directly to my grandfather and ask him in person. He asked me back, "What do you think?" and just smiled, refusing to say anything further. So I will in turn ask you: what do you think? ;-)

Me, age ?, from ?, in ?, on Tuesday, December 04, 2001 at 20:52:39 (EST) writes:

I think that Call it Courage is a really good book but online you should put more pictures because I have to do a project and get pictures about that book from Online and I've been looking for a while and I can't find any.

Daniel R., age 12, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 22:17:44 (EST) writes:

I chose CALL IT COURAGE for my book report. I enjoyed it very much. Mr. Armstrong was such a gifted man.

Toney W. Stephenson, age 32, from NV, in USA, on Tuesday, November 27, 2001 at 05:20:11 (EST) writes:

The Book, Call it Courage, has been a life long "pal" of mine, and now that I am able to teach it to a whole new generation of students is simply remarkable.

Natasha Holcomb, age 10, from In, in USA, on Monday, November 26, 2001 at 15:25:40 (EST) writes:

My class is getting ready to read a sechence in your book and what we're looking up and reading about you it's so amazing . bye-bye coolio?

Paige, age 11, from IA, in USA, on Monday, November 19, 2001 at 16:11:36 (EST) writes:

My class is getting ready to read a sechence in your book and what we're loking up and reading about you it's so amazing. bye-bye coolio

Brittni, age 11, from IA, in USA, on Monday, November 19, 2001 at 16:10:57 (EST) writes:

I like the way he has writen the book many times, but each differen stories!!!

Dan Torode, age 11, from IA, in USA, on Monday, November 19, 2001 at 16:09:20 (EST) writes:


Bob Wintersteen, age 67, from OR, in USA, on Thursday, November 15, 2001 at 21:04:35 (EST) writes:

I have been reading and collecting Howard Pease for many years. Always looking to buy!!

Nancie Brown, age 45, from Q, in Australia, on Thursday, November 08, 2001 at 03:00:59 (EST) writes:

I'm teaching English to middle school students at A'Takamul International School in KUWAIT and we are studying "The Boy who was Afraid" (Call it Courage). The experiences faced by Mafatu are those that these boys could never imagine! They live in a culture of wealth, travel, maids and every conceivable piece of technoloy. This has really blown their minds and they are keen to begin reading some of Sperry's World Magazine short stories. Congratulations!

Carol Lisuk, age 49, from CA, in USA, on Saturday, November 03, 2001 at 02:18:40 (EST) writes:

I was helping my daughter with her book report and happened to type in your Grandfathers name so she could complete her book report. I found his story and your family story very intresting. I enjoyed the autuobiographical sketch of Armstrong. Thank you

Alex Turner, age 11, from FL, in USA, on Thursday, November 01, 2001 at 20:33:48 (EST) writes:

I would like to complete reading the story now. I am completing an assignment with questions from a part of the book that I did not complete reading.

Kate Lawrence, age 12, from Il, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:56:45 (EDT) writes:

I thought call it courage was a great book. I signed before i read it and said i hoped i couldn't put it down! well my wish came true, I loved it. It was kinda hard to read the othger language

Jessica Dittman, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:56:36 (EDT) writes:

This is a wonderful book. I realy like when Mafatu went to the sea.

Cecily Doyle, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:56:15 (EDT) writes:

This was a very good book!

Tailor Van Pelt, age 12, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:56:06 (EDT) writes:

I think that the book was fantastic! It is now officially one of my favorite books of all! I liked the way Mafatu did things to survive the harsh conditions of the Island. I also liked the idea of the eaters of men. When he found the spear and the chopped of bannanas from the tree he knew that it was the island of the eaters of men. He then built himself a really nice canoe so he'd be ready to go home incase of the eaters of men coming to the island. Mafatu was a great charactor in the book Call It Courage. The book had very good ideas of what it would really be like if someone got stranded on an island after running away from home to provet to his father he is not a coward. Well I really liked the book.

Kooten Johnson, age 12, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:55:34 (EDT) writes:

I thought Call It Courage was an awesome book.I was really excited when Mafatu made it home.I think everybody shouldread it.

Kellie Thornton, age 12, from Il, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:54:52 (EDT) writes:

Iloved the book.Armstrong Sperry wrote to catch your eye.He made you fell like you where in the island with Mafatu.When he reached home you felt relived too.

?i don't know, age 3, from ??, in ugaslavia, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:54:49 (EDT) writes:

i don't read books

plo, from mt, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:54:03 (EDT) writes:

Call it Couage was okay.I diden't like how he had "gods" in the

Curtis Woodruff , age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:53:43 (EDT) writes:

I really enjoyed Call it Courage. You could say it is very page turning. It is very exciting to hear that Mafatu proved his courage in such a good way. I think it would be nice to have such a faithful comanion like Uri.

Schyler James, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:52:44 (EDT) writes:

I think the book was very exiting because he wanted to prove to people that he was not a coward and that he could prove them wrong.By going away for a a peiod of time.

Laura Lant, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:52:20 (EDT) writes:

I thought CAll it Courage was a very good book it was interesting it was good. I wish it would have had a longer endng though dut I liked

Shavionn Smith, age 12, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:52:09 (EDT) writes:

wassup Sperry just wanted to sign your guestbook so what have u benn up to bye see-u-later

jon, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:51:20 (EDT) writes:


Tamara Franklin, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:50:41 (EDT) writes:

I think the book was great.I mean with all the exitment
who wouldn't.

Max , age 12, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:50:30 (EDT) writes:

A good book.

Katie Hillyer, age 11, from il, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:50:10 (EDT) writes:

WOW!!! I really liked this book. It was so page turning, and adventrous!!! Uri was so cute!!! This is the third time I've read it !!!:):):)

jon larson, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:48:40 (EDT) writes:

the book call it courage was good.you should read it.

Laura Lant, age 11, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 24, 2001 at 10:47:55 (EDT) writes:

I thought CAll it Courage was a very good book it was interesting

Andrew Summers, age 13, from WV, in USA, on Wednesday, October 03, 2001 at 09:11:35 (EDT) writes:

I really love the book Call It Courage!

Kathy Barefoot, age 43, from GA, in USA, on Tuesday, September 25, 2001 at 12:48:12 (EDT) writes:

Hi Margo,

We homeschool and my 10 yr old daughter came rushing to me yesterday about checking out a book titled "Call It Courage". She reads but I can't recall her being excited about a particular book before. She is asking for more details on Mr. Sperry so that's how I ended up here. Thank you for sharing your heritage and honoring your past!

Kate Lawrence, age 11, from Il, in USA, on Monday, September 24, 2001 at 10:24:38 (EDT) writes:

I'm about to read Call it Courage for my sith grade teacher Mrs Overstreet I'm sure I'll enjoy it . I'm excited to get started an i hope I wont be able to put it down

Leslie Hope, from CA, in USA, on Friday, September 21, 2001 at 22:25:16 (EDT) writes:

Hi Margo,
I was searching *Ben Masselink* and found your page. I'm used to seeing you in the 17th c.
Leslie Hope
Santa Monica Canyon (and Salem)

whitney brooks, age 23, from al, in USA, on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 at 18:45:55 (EDT) writes:

Thank you for making this site accessible to me and to others. I am doing a report on this book and reading his acceptance paper

Marshall, age 9, from ga, in USA, on Thursday, September 06, 2001 at 18:44:29 (EDT) writes:

I am reading Call It Courage, and I am enjoying it so far. I am looking forward to reading more of his books!

Taylor Maxey, age 9, from GA, in USA, on Tuesday, September 04, 2001 at 19:43:19 (EDT) writes:

I liked reading your grandfather's book Call it Courage because it was exciting. I am doing a report for school and your web site helped me a lot because I have to get information on the author. Thanks.

Sperry Jones, age 32, from TN, in USA, on Friday, August 31, 2001 at 14:49:56 (EDT) writes:

Thank you for sharing your grandfathers work. I remember when I was in the seventh grade, all of my classmates had to read a book, report on it and make a poster board with an illustration and summary for show. One of the authors was Armstrong Sperry and I will never forget it because my first name is his last. All of the poster boards were hanging around the room. Out of all, even after all of these years, I only remember his. I searched the web to see if I could find more information and came to your site. Thanks again.

Sperry Jones
Director of Business Development
Healthcare Management Resources

Char'Derra E. Piggee, age 10 , from AR, in USA, on Wednesday, August 22, 2001 at 22:32:51 (EDT) writes:

This website didn't help me alot.

Katherine Pixley, age 47, from NH, in USA, on Thursday, July 26, 2001 at 21:34:26 (EDT) writes:

Dear Margo,
Glad to hear that you pedaled every mile for a worthy cause. Bravo to you. Hope you are taking a well deserved rest with your feet propped up. I enjoyed browsing your grandfather's site - beautiful artwork on the magazine covers.

J.B., age 11, from MB, in Canada, on Monday, June 11, 2001 at 21:56:00 (EDT) writes:

I like your site. It helped me with a novel study assignment I did on Call IT Courage. This site is really cool.

Chris L, age 13, from MN, in USA, on Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 14:57:30 (EDT) writes:

hey this site was a great help for my report on Call it Courage because it is due tommorrow and i hadnt started it yet and i needed some information on the author and i couldnt find it anywhere else THANKS!!!

Midge Garza, age 21+, from AR, in USA, on Sunday, June 03, 2001 at 12:25:16 (EDT) writes:

How very special that you would celebrate your grandfather with this wonderful tribute! What a legacy he has left not only to you, but to children of the world!

As an aspiring writer for children myself, I am always inspired by reading about sucessful authors.

Adult readers don't know how much they are missing by not reading (along with their children)young adult and middle-grade novels....there have been and continue to be today many magnificent stories in these books.

Nena Moctezuma, age 14, in USA, on Friday, June 01, 2001 at 18:11:19 (EDT) writes:

Thank u for the information provided in the site .I used this book for my graduation project. Thank you once again

Daniel Easterling, age 10, from AR, in USA, on Wednesday, May 30, 2001 at 15:17:27 (EDT) writes:

I read Call It Courage for a book report project at my school. It is exciting and adventurous. I'd like to read more of Mr. Sperry's books!

Kayla Norris, age 11, from 0h, in USA, on Thursday, May 24, 2001 at 11:34:32 (EDT) writes:

I loved call it courage!!

Braiden, age 10, from bc, in canada, on Tuesday, May 22, 2001 at 14:07:17 (EDT) writes:


Roger, age 11, from TN, in USA, on Sunday, May 06, 2001 at 20:30:42 (EDT) writes:

Cool place

Drew Boshears, age 16, from AR, in USA, on Monday, April 30, 2001 at 23:12:12 (EDT) writes:

I couldn't put it down!

Lou Jean Stone, age 52, from NC, in USA, on Wednesday, April 04, 2001 at 22:42:27 (EDT) writes:

My class of gifted students are enjoying Call It Courage.

Diane H. M. Garcia, age 50, from TX, in USA, on Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 12:21:28 (EST) writes:

Dear Mr. Sperry
The delight your books have brought me through the years, I have passed on to my three children,all in college now, and the hundreds of children it has been and will be my priviledge to work with as a school librarian and a childrens literature enthusiast. Though I have only lived in Texas for five years (proud to be a 6th generation Californian) it is exciting to introduce you to ESL students in Texas.

Justin Curtis, age 12, from CT, in USA, on Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 11:49:32 (EST) writes:

I think you did a really good job on your books!

Sally Crist, age 49, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 12:37:58 (EST) writes:

If you liked the adventures in CALL IT COURAGE, then perhaps you will like his other books HULL-DOWN FOR ACTION and LOST LAGOON.

March 21, 2001 at 15:22:44 (EST) writes:

I enjoy learning about you and you books

barryjmshields@aol.com, age 51, in UK, on Monday, March 19, 2001 at 19:12:50 (EST) writes:

A master.
Dodd Mead were indeed fortunate to have such an artist on board.
H.V.M. collectors recognise Mr. Sperry's talent as unique.

Travis Sperry, age 14, from Mi, in USA, on Friday, March 16, 2001 at 19:00:20 (EST) writes:

I really like the book,and besides, my last name is Sperry too!

Ms. D., age old, from Ca, in USA, on Wednesday, March 07, 2001 at 00:43:56 (EST) writes:

This book is one of the most moving books I have ever used to teach my sixth graders. It has the amazing quality of being accessible to kids who are still learning fluency in English, yet absolutely captivating the most advanced students. I have read it over 10 times myself, and I always find something new & valuable. That is what makes it literature.

TIMMY C., age 11, from FL, in USA, on Sunday, February 25, 2001 at 17:48:14 (EST) writes:


justin marsh, age 12, from pa, in USA, on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 17:36:42 (EST) writes:

what is your favorite book you have made?????

justin, in USA, on Wednesday, February 07, 2001 at 17:33:57 (EST) writes:

you rock

Joel, age 9, from PA, in USA, on Tuesday, February 06, 2001 at 22:17:02 (EST) writes:

Call it courage is the best book I have ever read.It is full of adventure and excitement.It taught me to face my fears.I never read a better book.

leanna, age 13, from Pa, in USA, on Monday, February 05, 2001 at 09:21:58 (EST) writes:

This book is an ok book to read when you get board at school and there is nothing to do.[ which there never is anything ever to do but hey its an education!]peace out.

Kevin, age 10, from CO, in USA, on Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 22:53:17 (EST) writes:

I read Call It Courage for a report and liked it a lot!!!!!!!!

Carmen Jones, age 10, from TX, in USA, on Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 20:42:50 (EST) writes:

My teacher is reading Call It Courage at my school and I think it is one the best books I have ever read.From now on I will always look for your books in my school library and the public library.

Stephanie Perry, age 10, from TX, in USA, on Monday, January 29, 2001 at 22:43:30 (EST) writes:

I needed information about Armstrong Sperry for an extra credit assignment at school and was happy to find your site. I loved finding so much about him! Thank you very much! :-)

michael , age 11, from OR, in USA, on Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 22:38:51 (EST) writes:

I liked your grandfather's book Call it Courage. I came to this web page because I needed some information on your grandfather. I found it very interesting and it has now helped me on my report. I needed some information on Armstrong Sperry and I was really glad to find a photograph of him as well.



jamie , age 11, from ma, in USA, on Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 15:43:56 (EST) writes:

sofar i think CALL IT COURAGE is one of my favotite books its great
IM DOING THIS BOOK IN SCHOOL PLEASE E-MAIL ME AT [Note from the Webweaver: This e-mail address has been deleted. I do not permit young people to post their e-mail addresses, to prevent potential abuse through this site -- sorry! If you need to contact me, please e-mail me directly at margo@ogram.org]

robert , age 12, from on, in Canand, on Tuesday, January 16, 2001 at 20:57:25 (EST) writes:


Stephen G. Odom, age 57, from TN, in USA, on Thursday, January 11, 2001 at 13:30:30 (EST) writes:

It has been at least 45 years ago since I read Call It Courage, and I barely remember the details. I do still remember the remarkable sensation of being able to escape to the South Seas and empathise with the characters. I will try to find the book and read it again.

Kyle P., age 12, from Me, in USA, on Wednesday, January 10, 2001 at 14:57:18 (EST) writes:

Your books cool

Heather , age 10, from MD, in USA, on Wednesday, December 13, 2000 at 20:28:20 (EST) writes:

I wish to read Call it Courage because of all the wonderful comments about the book on this website. I am reading the book for my advanced sstudies reading class

SETH LAYCOCK, age 10, from NC, in USA, on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 12:11:48 (EST) writes:


rachel, age 9, from NC, in USA, on Tuesday, December 12, 2000 at 12:05:57 (EST) writes:

I loved the book "Call It Courage". Mafatu first didn't have any courage but he gained it. His father actually said,"This is my son Stout Heart. A brave name for a brave boy." It was wonderful.

Kay, age 20, from NH, in USA, on Monday, December 04, 2000 at 19:48:28 (EST) writes:


James M. Lawson, age 37, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, November 15, 2000 at 13:25:31 (EST) writes:

I probably read Call It Courage 100 times when I was a kid. That book is clearly the reason why my house is now full of outriggers, and all kinds of Polynesian stuff. How do I get some high quality repros of Armstrong Sperry artwork, maybe even some high resolution scans? I'm interested in One Day With Manu, Teri Taro from Bora Bora, Call It Courage (of course)and Bamboo, The Grass Tree.

Kaylynn, age 9, from TX, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:33:07 (EST) writes:

I love this site it is so cool.I have read about Call lt Courage!

Laura, age 9, from TX, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:32:53 (EST) writes:

I love this site.I like going to the Newberry Medal section.

Laura , age 9, from Tx, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:26:54 (EST) writes:

I like your book called Call It Courge. I'm interested in your other books.

Jennifer , age 9 , from Tx, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:26:09 (EST) writes:

I LOVED your book Call It Courge because it is an adventure!!!!!! I Really LOVED the Book.

Kathryn, age 10, from TX, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:16:55 (EST) writes:

I love your book "Call It Courage" and I think your site is very intresting.

Nathan, age 9 , from tx, in USA, on Tuesday, November 07, 2000 at 11:16:53 (EST) writes:

I really ltke call it courage.

Mariah, age 13, from nv, in USA, on Thursday, November 02, 2000 at 09:53:34 (EST) writes:

Your book has so many "golden lines." For my homework we have to read Call It Courage and then respond to the we read.

JEREMEY HARRIS, age 7, from UT, in USA, on Sunday, October 29, 2000 at 19:49:18 (EST) writes:


Robin Sutherland, age 49, from CA, in USA, on Saturday, October 28, 2000 at 23:03:09 (EDT) writes:


[Note from the Webweaver: Thank you for your kind words, in Hawai'ian no less!]

C Quadrini, age 9, from MD, in USA, on Thursday, October 26, 2000 at 09:59:30 (EDT) writes:

I had to do a newspaper book report and needed information on the author of Call It Courage. Thank you for the site.

Davina Quichocho, age 10, from NC, in USA, on Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 19:39:46 (EDT) writes:

My 5th grade class just finished reading Call It Courage and now I am working on a project about the book and the author, Armstrong Sperry. Thanks for all the useful information.

Kelsey Hinton, age 10, from NC, in USA, on Sunday, October 15, 2000 at 16:45:12 (EDT) writes:

I'm in the 5th grade and am doing a project on "Call it Courage". This website is terrific!!

Sherry Gudger, age 10, from MD, in USA, on Tuesday, October 03, 2000 at 18:00:43 (EDT) writes:

I am during a report for English, I'm in the sixth grade, and this website is great.

MATT CHAMBERS, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Wednesday, September 27, 2000 at 19:57:41 (EDT) writes:


MRS. MORGANS FIFTH CLASS, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 13:35:31 (EDT) writes:


Mrs.Morgan's Fifth Grade Class, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 13:07:17 (EDT) writes:


Mrs.Morgan's Fifth Grade Class, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 11:58:06 (EDT) writes:

WE LOVE YOUR BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan Hale, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 11:51:29 (EDT) writes:

I think this was the best book you ever wrote.

Justin Creel, age 10, from LA, in USA, on Friday, September 22, 2000 at 11:48:49 (EDT) writes:

This book rules

Nichelle marshall, age 11, from ky, in USA, on Tuesday, September 19, 2000 at 20:42:02 (EDT) writes:

hey i love you i love you!!!!!!!!!!!

Tamara Willey, age 30+, from FL, in USA, on Sunday, September 03, 2000 at 21:33:15 (EDT) writes:

Thank you so much for your very informative site. Our home school is studying Oceania and have already read Captain Cook Sails the South Seas and Call it Courage. This is the second time (our oldest is now 17) we have gone through these books and they are always a favorite. We are so enjoying our studies and Mr. Sperry is a wonderfully fascinating (and accurate) guide! I, too, would like to learn more about the author, specifically about his own travels and personal writings. We enjoyed his books so much that we decided to do an author study. We hope to locate more of his south seas adventure books, too! I appreciate your information about Disney's version of Call It Courage. I will chase this down and post what I find here for everyone else. This would be a real capper!
Tamara and family

Mike Bryan, age 49, from ID, in USA, on Wednesday, July 26, 2000 at 14:37:21 (EDT) writes:

Although I have taught secondary school for the past 24 years, I had never until now gotten around to reading CALL IT COURAGE. I can see that my childhood was poorer for that. I will be sure to teach it in my 7th grade class this year. Your excellent web site has given me a great deal of supporting information that will be of value to my students. Thank you for this valuable service.

Stephen Camberling Jesu, age 11, from MD, in USA, on Monday, July 24, 2000 at 20:49:01 (EDT) writes:

I have just started reading this book for a summer book report. I read this book at school so I chose to read it at home for a book report. I like the book a lot. Please return my message. From Stephen

john quidor, age 50, from ny, in USA, on Monday, June 26, 2000 at 11:50:34 (EDT) writes:

I'm a great fan of the illustrations Armstrong Sperry did for 'Hiawatha.' Do you know where they are now? I'd like to buy the last painting in the book, the one of Hiawatha and Minnehaha standing together. Thanks.

NOTE from the Webweaver: Hiawatha is a favorite of mine, too! Many of the original illustrations of all his books disappeared into the hands of family, friends, libraries, and colleagues at his various publishers, hence they are extremely hard to track down all these years later. Art dealers who specialize in illustrations for children's books may occasionally run across a piece of his, but the chance of locating a specific one would be extremely slim.

Andrew, age 12, from Ca, in USA, on Wednesday, May 24, 2000 at 20:38:32 (EDT) writes:

This book was great and this site helped me with my homework assignment. It was really neat to learn so much about the author. I really liked the book. Thanks for making this available.

Bob Johnson, age 13, from OH, in USA, on Sunday, May 14, 2000 at 10:01:08 (EDT) writes:

You need more facts on his life but otherwise its a good site!

on Friday, May 12, 2000 at 09:09:39 (EDT) writes:

Having sailed myself, I am interested in anything with a sail on it, I have quite a collection of pictures on Sailing Ships. Including one of the Flying Cloud. Just how much sail did she carry, I think the most of any sailing ship in the world. How does one go about buying a copy of "All Sails Set" . Collin Le Tissier. P.O.Box 60.Daylesford.
Victoria. Australia. 3460.

NOTE from the Webweaver: All Sail Set was reprinted in 1984 by David R. Godine, Boston, timed for the arrival fo the tall ships there. You can still buy it new through amazon.com or you could do a search at a used book site, such as bookfinder.com.

BTaylor, age 35, from MO, in USA, on Tuesday, May 02, 2000 at 01:36:51 (EDT) writes:

I have been looking for the Call it Courage film from Disney for many years. Is it still available and how can I find it?

NOTE from the Webweaver:The Wonderful World of Disney's "Call It Courage" was a commercially available video from Disney, but it is long out of print. It can be identified as The Wonderful World of Disney Double Feature, collector number 387V, and it features the two 47 minute adventure dramas Call It Courage & The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle (1973-Color-94 Min-All Ages). I'm sorry, but I cannot help you find a copy of this VHS tape, but I have seen it shown in recent years on the Disney Channel in the Vault Disney timeslot.

Steven Hartlein, age 12, from TN, in USA, on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 16:39:26 (EDT) writes:

Needed information about Mr. Armstrong Sperry for a school project.

Jay Y.S., age 12, from HI, in USA, on Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 02:30:56 (EDT) writes:

I LOVE all of the books you write. We are reading Call it Courage in school and it is so exciting. This site is cool.

elvis presly, age 13, from co, in USA, on Friday, April 07, 2000 at 14:18:21 (EDT) writes:

this site is really really boring.. you need to put interesting stuff into it! thank you

ElViS *ô¿ô*

Ryan, age 14, from co, in USA, on Friday, April 07, 2000 at 14:11:45 (EDT) writes:

I think you should have more facts about his life and if you do then make them easier to find. Other wise this is a cool site.

Holly Cuff, in USA, on Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 19:18:30 (EDT) writes:

I loved it. I love all of Armstrong Sperry's Books. In school I am reading Call It Courage by Armstrong Sperry and it is great!

Salpi, age 10 , from VA, in USA, on Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 18:01:17 (EDT) writes:

Dear Mr. Sperry,
I really liked the book Call It Courage. I found it very interesting and I think it teaches you a lot of lessons about courage. Our principal at our school just finished doing the novel with us. I really enjoyed the book and I think it was interesting that the people of Hikeru still tell this story.

Jenna Maree Vanderzeil, age 9, from NSW Australia, in Australia, on Friday, March 24, 2000 at 19:13:28 (EST) writes:

My class is called 4/5 Armstrong. Our teacher wants us to do a project on a famous Armstrong and I have picked you. I'm happy that I was able to write in your guest book.

Misty, age 13, from tx, in USA, on Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 14:05:54 (EST) writes:

Call It Courage was the best book that I ever read in a long time.

Peter Devenish, from Western Australia, in Australia, on Wednesday, March 15, 2000 at 01:05:56 (EST) writes:

An excellent web site, and a very fitting tribute to an amazingly talented man.

Clayton Armstrong, age 11, from nc, in USA, on Monday, February 21, 2000 at 15:23:51 (EST) writes:

I just visited because I am doing a report on Armstrong Sperry.

Francis Burke, age 51, from OR, in USA, on Sunday, February 20, 2000 at 16:43:22 (EST) writes:

I would sit on the floor of the children's section of the public library in Salem are read. When I found a author I liked, I would read everything of his the library had. When I found a book I really liked, I would check it out and take it home and read it again and again. Armstrong Sperry came to our house often.

Janet Sperry Doherty, age 45, from MA, in USA, on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 at 21:05:05 (EST) writes:

Armstrong Sperry appears on my family tree, so we must be related. The first Sperry to come to America was Richard Sperry in 1690, who had 9 sons.

Brian Anderson, age 38, from NC, in USA, on Wednesday, February 09, 2000 at 10:47:53 (EST) writes:

Call it Courage was the best reading experience of my life. As a 10-yr-old, I read it dozens of times, generally replacing Mafatu with myself.

Tiller-John Stevens, age 9, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, February 08, 2000 at 11:37:40 (EST) writes:

I really liked Call it Courage. I especially liked the shark fight.

Tyler Jordan, age 11, from Ab, in Canada, on Monday, February 07, 2000 at 20:37:16 (EST) writes:

I just love your novel,Call It Courage.My class and I are reading it for novel study.

Linda, age 52, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, January 19, 2000 at 22:56:39 (EST) writes:

Years ago I puchased Wagons Westward in an old bookstore in Monterey, CA. As things happen I put it away with the idea that someday I would read this wonderful looking book. Well, it finally happened. The pleasure of this read has me wanting to know the taste of buffalo and the smell of horse sweat. My husband, brother-in-law, and father-in-law who read non-stop and rememeber every author have never had the great pleasure of reading your grandfather's books. I wonder if the California school system has even thought to include him on their list of excellent reading? Thanks for the wonderful web page. My goal is to read every book and enjoy every illustration.

NOTE from the Webweaver: This March 2001, David R. Godine is scheduled to reissue Wagons Westward so a whole new generation of young readers have a chance to experience it! Keep your eyes open for it!

Margo Burns, age 42, from NH, in USA, on Tuesday, January 18, 2000 at 20:00:59 (EST) writes:

A recent server crash wiped out parts of this site, and as I try to rebuild it, I find that the only guestbook file back-up I have is this one, which does not include any of the entries from mid-April 1999 to January 2000. I'm sorry if your entry was among them! --Margo

at 19:12:05 (EDT) writes:

Thank you for this web site. I needed to do a report on Armstrong Sperry and was having trouble finding information. I now have lots of stuff. I read the book "Call It Courage" It was an exciting book.

Tim Clark, age 41, from CA, in USA, on Friday, April 02, 1999 at 00:53:03 (EST) writes:

Hi Margo....It has been wonderful getting to know you over the internet. You are doing a very cool thing. I hope that E.R. Burroughs, Inc. soon gets wind of your work and recognizes you! Best wishes....Tim

Bill K., age 11, from NJ, in USA, on Friday, March 26, 1999 at 16:15:15 (EST) writes:

I read Call it Courage. It was great! I love Armstrong's sea adventures.
At first I thought Call it Courage was going to be a bad book. Then it
became very interesting. I recommend Armstrong sperry books.

Dylan Collins, age 11, from MA, in USA, on Wednesday, March 24, 1999 at 07:52:07 (EST) writes:

Armstrong Sperry books are awsome They are very fun to read. They are exiting and about neat sea adventures. Armstrong Sperry iln my opinion is the best Auther.

DIRK KOOPMAN , age 35, from MA, in USA, on Friday, March 19, 1999 at 19:31:36 (EST) writes:


Matt is back!, age 33, from On, in Canada, writes:

I'm back!!!

Mathew, age 33, from On, in Canada, writes:

I liked "Call it Courage"
It was exciting!!!!!

James Schlosser, age 10, from NC, in USA, writes:

I listened to Call It Courage on tape. I liked it.

Ernie Sjogren, age 49, from NC, in USA, writes:

When I was a child, Armstrong Sperry was one of my favorite authors and illustrators; it's great to learn more about him. Thanks very much for putting up this page -- excellent job!

Benita Jansson, in Sweden, writes:

I am a guest from Sweden, from the Publishing Company Natur och Kultur. We are planning tu use text from "Call it Courage" in a textbook for the compulsory school. I was looking on Internet to find somthing about Armstrong Sperry and came to this interesting site. I did not know he had written so many books! Thank you for this site.

Arthur Leslie, age 43, from AL, in USA, writes:

I've loved Armstrong Sperry since I read Frozen Fire in 5th grade. Later it was The Rain Forest & Call it Courage. In 7th & 8th I discovered Black Falcon and Storm Canvas. I've loved the time I spent reading him then, and over the years.

In the last 20 years I've always checked bookstores for his works, and began finding them in used bookstores & flea markets. Love him

Diane Stevens Perley, age 38, from NH, in USA, writes:

I have enjoyed this site and am impressed with the amount of writing that Armstrong Sperry did in his lifetime. I am mostly impressed with how much he looked like is grandson Steve Burns.

Lorraine and John Stevens, age 59, from NH, in USA, writes:


This site you have developed in honor of your grandfather, Armstrong Sperry, is one you must be proud of. You have done a beautiful job with the design and information contained therein. You have also given a well deserved tribute and honor to Mr. Sperry. We feel honored that our daughter is married to his grandson and that they have brought two beautiful children into such a wonderful and talented family. We too feel that we are a part of the family. You deserve a gold star for this site. Keep up the good work!

Richard J. Carra, from MA, in USA, writes:

Being a sixth grade teacher, I have found "Call It Courage" to be an excellent book for the students. I have been using it in class for several years now and the students love it.

Gypsy, age ???, from CA, in USA, writes:

Thanks for the info you have provided we thought that it was a lost cause and wondered how it was possible that there did not seem to be any history on such a distinguished author. Please don't let the history die. Someday somewhere someone will want to know about it.

Sterling Bryant, age 9, from NC, in USA, writes:

I had to read Call it Courage for my 4th grade literature circle and I thought the book was great!

Marizella Murillo, age 25, from CA, in USA, writes:

My nephew just finished reading your book. He did enjoy it but he asked me a question that I found both interesting and disturbing. He asked me, will during a book report, if it was o.k. to describe people exactly as you did because he thought it was rude. The sentence was "The black eaters of men." I feel maybe that sentence should be modified since our children are being taught to be politically and literally correct.

NOTE from the webweaver: Your nephew is quite right to question this, but context is critical: 1) my grandfather was writing 60 years ago, and 2) it would still be inaccurate to use our current politically correct term "African American"to describe these people. I believe that my grandfather was refering to Solomon Islanders, from a string of "high" volcanic islands in New Guinea, hence these people were neither African nor American. They have skin which is significantly darker than most other people in Polynesia and hair with a texture and quality similar to black Africans -- not straight as the Tahitians' and Hawai'ians' hair. When my grandfather visited the South Pacific in the late1920's, a decade before he wrote Call It Courage, there was still little known about these people by any Americans or Europeans. He heard many tales about earlier generations of Marquesan Islanders practicing cannibalism between feuding clans. It is important for students today to investigate how both current and past anthropologists and ethnologists view the peoples and cultures of this area of the world.

For current information and photographs of these beautiful islands, I highly recommend Mike McCoy's website: http://public-www.pi.se/~orbit/solomons/solomon2.html.

Walter F Pless, age 49, in AUSTRALIA, on Friday, January 08, 1999 at 20:26:23 (MST writes:

As a former high school English teacher, "Call it Courage" (the edition I used was entitled "The Boy Who Was Afraid") remains one of my favourite books. I used it year after year with many of my classes, who thoroughly enjoyed it.

Maureen Goodman, age 57, from IL, in USA, on Friday, January 08, 1999 at 10:22:29 (MST writes:

Enjoyed your site. It's so very difficult to find info regarding American Illustrators from the 20's to the late 50's. I own several Armstrong Sperry ORIGINAL ILLUSTRATIONS. If anyone knows of additional sites for other illustrators please contact me to share. I have severaL other Illustration Artists and so little information about them. I will be building a WEBSITE in the future and will advise anyone when I finish. mamostuf@webtv.net

Martha Bialik, age 40, from CA, in USA, on Tuesday, December 29, 1998 at 19:59:21 (MST writes:

A fine website. What a grand imagination he must have commanded!

Donna Albino, age 37, from MA, in USA, on Monday, December 28, 1998 at 05:31:37 (MST writes:

You did a wonderful job on your recent updates! Thank you for all your efforts in putting together this interesting site.

1998 at 13:56:28 (MST) writes:

I like the book, "Call it Courage." But how did Mr. Sperry think of writing a book about a boy that is about to be eaten by canables?

Ross Brooks, age 14, from FL, in USA, on Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 18:14:07 (MST) writes:

you should be to old to live now

Kenneth Gauthier, age 14, from FL, in USA, on Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 18:08:53 (MST) writes:

I think you are a good writer for your age and I think your book call it courage was very nicely written

Mr Poe, age 41, from NY, in USA, on Thursday, December 10, 1998 at 18:06:23 (MST) writes:

How old are you also ilike your book Call it Courage I read it when I was in the seventh grade

Marc Heinrich, age 36, from MN, in USA, on Monday, November 30, 1998 at 08:12:31 (MST) writes:

I first discovered Armstrong Sperry in the late '60s through the book 'The Rain Forrest'. His description of the jungle and especially the birds of paradise really caught my young imagination. I would love to find that book and read it again.

Ron Johnson, age 36, from TN, in USA, on Monday, November 16, 1998 at 21:31:27 (MST) writes:

I first read Call It Courage when I was in the 4th grade. At that time I was living on Midway Island and I thought Mafatu was me. However I did not truly appreciate it until much later when I tried to use it in a thematic lesson in my sixth grade class. The students were enthralled by the pacific island life.

Kaleo Pilago, age 28, from HI, in USA, on Tuesday, November 10, 1998 at 11:43:53 (MST) writes:

Heard the story of Mafatu many years ago. Only up until recently have I learned that "Call it Courage" was his story.

Bisi Adebesin, age 33, from MD, in USA, on Thursday, October 29, 1998 at 15:43:33 (MST) writes:

My son read, "Call It Courage", in preparation for a school book report. He enjoyed the book because it was about a young boy's experience, growing up. Something he can relate to. An enjoyable book.

Mary Laupepa, age 35, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, October 21, 1998 at 17:24:03 (MDT) writes:

Years ago when I was in junior high, Call It Courage was a required book to read in Social Studies. It was read as a class. Now my 10 year daughter comes home and as part of her extra credit project, she's to read a Newberry Award Winning book. After reading the list of books under this award, I was very very happy to see Call It Courage listed (tells you how much I paid attention in junior high). Reading the book brings back memories of when I was in school, not to mention Armstrong Sperry's home page really helps in getting my daughter's extra credit accurately complete.

Annie Collins, age 42, from NY, in USA, on Tuesday, October 20, 1998 at 20:38:22 (MDT) writes:

I am currently enrolled in the Elementary Education program at SUNY Oswego. We are using "Ghost of the Lagoon" for analytical purposes in our EED 303 class. This is a great story about facing life's obstacles with courage.

Brent Call, age 12, from FL, in USA, on Tuesday, October 20, 1998 at 16:09:00 (MDT) writes:

I am reading your book ,Call It Courage, it is an awesome book. I read your bibliography and think you have a pretty cool life. That would be a lot of fun receiving a Newberry Medal. Well bye.

David Tucker, age 38, from NJ, in USA, on Friday, October 16, 1998 at 07:41:19 (MDT) writes:

Having been a sixth grade teacher for the last eight years, I can tell you that I've had over 800 students read Call It Courage. The students love the book! It's my favorite too!

Carlos E. Cruz, age 37, from PR, in USA, on Thursday, October 15, 1998 at 18:42:17 (MDT) writes:

I was helping my jobmate's daughter in her Armstrong Sperry assignment since they don't have PC. I had never heard of Mr Sperry, but I am proud they asked me for help. I am very delighted to learn of someone so very special in the lives of so many generations of children. OOrray for Mr. Armstrong Sperry!!!

Jessie B, from IL, in USA, on Wednesday, October 07, 1998 at 20:39:19 (MDT) writes:

I read Call It Courage for a book review, and it really made me realize that anyone can overcome any fear that they may have if they just put their heart and mind into it.

Sean Magoun, age 27, from HI, in USA, on Thursday, September 17, 1998 at 00:17:53 (MDT) writes:

This is my third year as a fourth grade teacher at Island School and the students have been thoroughly challenge while enjoying the wonderful tale of Mafatuin CALL IT COURAGE. It is a great book that helps young people truly begin to restle with what means to each of them individually. Many thanks to Armstrong Sperry for his foresight and dedication to molding young minds.

Warren W Kellogg, from IL, in USA, on Saturday, May 23, 1998 at 04:24:05 (MDT) writes:

Amending my Guestbook sign-in below: The book on which we based our radio questioning of Armstrong Sperry was "The Black Falcon." (That's close to ''pirate'', isn't it?) Amazon.com says this fast-moving, youth-oriented historical novel is out of print now, but Amazon is accepting requests to search used-book outlets. I want it again, mommy....

Jennifer Matthews, age 11, from BC, in Canada, on Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 12:38:11 (MDT) writes:

I am reading Armstrog Sperry's book { Call it Courage} it is very good so far. I think I am going to realy enjoy this book so far it is realy interesting. I will probably read the whole book by the

Jennifer Matthews, age 11, from BC, in Canada, on Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 12:38:05 (MDT) writes:

I am reading Armstrog Sperry's book { Call it Courage} it is very good so far. I think I am going to realy enjoy this book so far it is realy interesting. I will probably read the whole book by the

ken, age 12, from BC, in Canada, on Thursday, May 21, 1998 at 12:34:55 (MDT) writes:

I realy injoy Call It Courage.... Bye!

Warren W Kellogg, age 63, from IL, in USA, on Friday, May 15, 1998 at 09:40:40 (MDT) writes:

I was one of several Chicago high school students who in 1949 had the privilege of questioning Armstrong Sperry on the "Hobby Horse Presents" radio show about his current book. I am fuzzy about the title [it had ''pirate'' in it, as I recall], but I DO recall that it focused on Wade Thayer as the boy who served as emissary between Andrew Jackson and pirate Jean Lafitte. I had recently read another book, "A Boy Fighter with Andrew Jackson," by a different author, that identified the boy as Lee Baird. I based my first question to Sperry on the "real name" of the young emissary, if, indeed, he existed. I found Sperry polite, thoughtful, intelligent and a big help in settling down some of us who had never been on radio before. I sure am glad his memory is being perpetuated in this web site.


Josh, age 90, from CA, in USA, on Wednesday, May 13, 1998 at 12:56:39 (MDT) writes:

cool site

Marty Podskoch, age 54, from NY, in USA, on Sunday, May 03, 1998 at 19:33:15 (MDT) writes:

I enjoy teaching a Newbery Unit in my 7th grade reading class in Delhi, NY. I enjoyed Call It Courage and I was surprised and happy to see the granddaughter of William Sperry havig a home page which will foster interest in reading more of his books. I'm going to look for more Newbery authors on the Internet.

Bryan Wamsley, age 14, from WV, in USA, on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 09:35:38 (MDT) writes:

The book Call it Coureage was an interesting book and I enjoied reading it.

sam donaldson, age 14, from oh, in USA, on Thursday, April 30, 1998 at 09:33:59 (MDT) writes:

hello Rusty John

1998 at 22:22:03 (EST) writes:

Thanks for helping me with my report Margo.

Ted Nance , age 14, from Mo, in USA, on Tuesday, January 13, 1998 at 19:18:44 (EST) writes:


Andy Tomkys, age 44, in United Kingdom, on Tuesday, January 06, 1998 at 10:15:09 (EST) writes:

Thanks for the information provided on Armstrong Sperry. It was fascinating.

Ann Davison, age 39, from NY, in USA, on Monday, January 05, 1998 at 00:43:44 (EST) writes:

Thank you for all the interesting info. It was a pleasure to read.

Deb Burns, age 30, from NH, in USA, on Sunday, January 04, 1998 at 15:59:48 (EST) writes:

Glad to be part of this family.

Margo Burns, age 40, from NH, in USA, on Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 11:38:04 (EST) writes:

I have created this website in memory of my grandfather, Armstrong Sperry.
Please feel free to share your comments about his books here!

This page is maintained by Margo Burns, margo@ogram.org.
Return to the Armstrong Sperry Home Page. t 15:59:48 (EST) writes:

Glad to be part of this family.

Margo Burns, age 40, from NH, in USA, on Tuesday, December 30, 1997 at 11:38:04 (EST) writes:

I have created this website in memory of my grandfather, Armstrong Sperry.
Please feel free to share your comments about his books here!

This page is maintained by Margo Burns, margo@ogram.org.
Return to the Armstrong Sperry Home Page.