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Through Lands of the Bibleby H.V. MortonDustjacket by Armstrong SperryDodd, Mead, & Co., New York, 1938 |
From the dustjacket:
Is there a person in America who at one time oor another has not turned from the pages of the Bible with a far-away look in his eyes to conjure up pictures of its hills and cities, its rivers and plains and temples?
H.V. Morton decided some years ago to set out upon a journey -- a series of journeys if necessary -- and visit, in his own way, the "lands of the Bible." It has taken time to accomplish this extraordinary quest, and it has taken patience and persistence in the face of difficulties that were sometimes amusing and sometimes heartbreaking. In this book he tells the story of his experience, and in telling it, he takes the reader with him, every step of the way; to watch the subset on the broad Euphrates, to smell the fragrances of spring in the Sinai mountains, to listen to the joyous din of an Egyptian market place, to relive the unforgettable events of the Bible in their modern settings.
The scope of this book is remarkable.t begins at Alexanderia, in Syria, and continues by way of Aleppo to Bagdad, Babylon, and Ur of the Chaldees. The author then takes you through Palestine to Egypt. He journeys to Sinai, where he stayed at the monastery of St. Catherine, the oldest inhabited monastery in the world. Among out-of-the-way places described is the Oasis of Siwa, famous for its association with Alexander the Great, and almost unknown until the Great War*. The description of the Coptic monasteries of the Wadi Natrun, in Egypt, is the first modern account of daily life in those strongholds of primitive Christianity. The book ends with a description of Apostolic sites in Rome, where the author spent Easter week.