Shuttered Windowsby Florence Crannell MeansIllustrations by Armstrong SperryHoughton Mifflin, Boston, 1938 |
Armstrong Sperry drew eight black-and-white illustrations of the characters in this story, including these two portraits of the main characters, reproduced on glossy paper between ennumerated pages of the book:
Harriet (frontis) |
Richie (32/33) |
From the dustjacket:
Accustomed to the luxuries of a Minneapolis high school, Harriet Freeman, a sixteen-year-old Negro girl, goes to live with her mysterious great-grandmother on an enchanting island off the coast of South Carolina. Harriet is at first shocked and dismayed by the poverty-stricken, lethargic life on the island. Adjustment is difficult, but Granny helps, and so does Richard Corwin, an intelligent Negro boy studying to be an agricultural expert. It is an inspiring story spiced with excitement, mystery, and romance.
The author of 'Tangled Waters' and 'A Candle in the Mist' has written from first-hand knowledge a story describing the impulsive gaiety, unspoiled humor, simple philosophy, and serious purpose of native people on the seas-islands.